Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why is server configuration so annoying?

A lot of programmers these days are switching over to dynamic languages like Python and Ruby, mostly for their ease of development.

Sure, it entails that one must make sure that you aren't passing the wrong types to wrong functions, or you won't find out until runtime, but, if you're willing to take that risk, dynamic typing can be amazing to speed up your work process.

And, just like languages, nearly every other aspect of computer science/engineering has evolved for the simpler, more elegant approach, and, in this shift, many have profited.

For example, Twilio's business model is based entirely on the fact that building phone systems in a modern programming language is just much too difficult for an average programmer, and, by simplifying the process by which developers can take advantage of phones, they've made quite a company. 

And, people work everyday  to simplify things that were previously immensely complicated, into black boxes in which the details are abstracted away.

As another example, take the humble Python list. It seems like a pretty simple idea; you can push and pop things, and you can delete things from the middle, you can sort and search them.

But, implementing a data structure like that in C is a formidable task, especially with all the optimization work that the Python folk have put into it. 

And, things like this have lead to an explosion in Python's popularity.

But, I see one area where this type of stuff is immensely lacking, and that's server configuration. 

First of all, why on Earth does Apache still use XML?! Is there literally no other format they can use?

Then, SSL shouldn't be so difficult to set up. It should take, at most, one shell script, or ANYTHING like that that'll generate a basic SSL virtualhost. 

There need to be sensible defaults for log-files per vhost and so on.

There need to be macros that we can use to have chunks of configuration with variables plugged in.

And, in general, a lot of things need to be abstracted away into more usable and easy components.

That's all I've got to say, but, do tell me what you think in the comment section below.

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1 comment:

  1. hi man ! use DSL to config you XML )) for example

    Chef is a fully functional configuration management tool. Roles and Recipes are used to describe how servers should be configured. Chef works by allowing you to write recipes that describe what roles a server (such as Apache, MySQL, or Hadoop) should be configured as. These recipes describe a series of resources that should be in a particular state - for example, packages that should be installed, services that should be running, or files that should be written. Chef then makes sure that each resource is properly configured, only taking corrective action when it's necessary. The result is a safe, flexible mechanism for making sure your servers are always running exactly how you want them to be.
